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St. Francis Borgia High School St. Francis Borgia High School

St. Francis Borgia High School Camps

Friday Knight Lights Football

Participate in backyard touch/flag football under the Lights on Friday nights at St. Francis Borgia High School. This activity is for students currently in grades 1-7.  The Borgia football team will serve as coaches and officials for our participants. Participants will be placed in age groups and play games for the evening.  We will have a short 15 minute skills/warm up period before we play games.

Event Registration Details
Friday Knight Lights Football
April 25th & May 2nd
Grade: 1st - 7th
Times: 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Fee: $25 (includes t-shirt)

Register Button

Location: SFBHS Football Field

What to Bring: Water bottle and Mouthpiece

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